2025 Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival

June 27 - July 17, 2025
Tuition-Free at University of South Florida, Tampa

2025 Artist Faculty

Artist Faculty Listings are in Random Order

Rebecca Penneys

Rebecca Penneys

Founder Director

Ray Gottlieb

Ray Gottlieb

Vice President

Kathryn Brown

Kathryn Brown


Alvin Chow

Alvin Chow


Alan Chow

Alan Chow


Lydia Artymiw

Lydia Artymiw

UMN Emerita

Ursula Oppens

Ursula Oppens


Roberto Plano

Roberto Plano


Sofya Gulyak

Sofya Gulyak

IU Bloomington

Christopher Harding

Christopher Harding

U of Michigan

Spencer Myer

Spencer Myer

IU Bloomington

Angela Cheng

Angela Cheng


Jerome Lowenthal

Jerome Lowenthal


Jóse Ramon Méndez

Jóse Ramon Méndez

N Arizona U

Olga Kern

Olga Kern


Boris Slutsky

Boris Slutsky


Ann Schein

Ann Schein


James Giles

James Giles


Douglas Humpherys

Douglas Humpherys


HieYon Choi

HieYon Choi


Arthur Greene

Arthur Greene

U of Michigan

Antonio Pompa-Baldi

Antonio Pompa-Baldi


Tamás Ungár

Tamás Ungár


Gila Goldstein

Gila Goldstein


Kristin Kidgell

Kristin Kidgell

Chiropractic/Functional Medicine

Arthur Murray

Arthur Murray

Dance Studio

“The dream is that every university is able to do what Rebecca Penneys is doing here at the festival. RPPF is really an amazing thing!”

  • Roberto Plano, Royal Northern College of Music

“I have not been to another festival where students get so much one-to-one instruction by the best faculty! It has really been a terrific experience. There is a tremendous amount of gratitude stemming from this tuition-free environment. It’s incredible!”

  • Kathryn Brown, Cleveland Institute of Music

“We have sent our student to RPPF for years, and they have all loved their experiences. The students each have 15 or 16 private lessons at no cost during the 3 weeks. This is such an incredible gift and this is why there is such great demand to be able to attend.”

  • Alvin Chow, Oberlin Conservatory

“The word that comes to my mind is astonishing. What hits you first is the atmosphere of the festival. It’s really unique – such collegiality among the professors and the students.”

  • Marina Lomazov, Eastman School of Music


Tabitha Columbare

Tabitha Columbare

Associate Director - off site

E-Na Song

E-Na Song

Associate Director - on site

Chen Liang

Chen Liang


Gabrielle Siena

Gabrielle Siena

Program Assistant

Janna Peña

Janna Peña

Program Assistant

Sarah Aldrich

Sarah Aldrich


Mikale Tang

Mikale Tang

Video and Photos

Hin-Sing Au

Hin-Sing Au

Special Projects

Joy Thurmon

Joy Thurmon

Program Assistant

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The Steinway pianos at USF are made possible by the kind assistance of the Music Gallery, Clearwater, Florida. THANK YOU!